These can range from cognitive, emotional and somatic approaches and vary from each clinician. Scroll below to learn more!
assist clients with understanding how thoughts affect emotions which in turn affects behaviors. Changing thoughts creates a domino effect allowing for changes in emotions and behaviors, creating change inwardly and outwardly.
is used to help clients develop skills to deal with intense emotions and regulate through mental challenges.
assist clients with processing trauma or disturbing events using bilateral stimulation and reprocessing the events.
is used to help clients improve their adult relationships through the understanding of attachment and bonding.
assist clients with processing emotions and life evets through the use of creative expression: art, music, dance, writing etc.
and is used to help clients better understand themselves and how they may approach the world and deal with issues.
assist clients with connecting to body sensations and decrease time spent stuck in their heads.
and is used to help clients better understand their emotions and process unpleasant emotions.
help families process conflict and learn how their family structure is affecting each member individually.
and is used to help couples increase intimacy and growth by improving connection through understanding and communication.
assist clients with understanding the connection between the three areas and how they affect each other.
and how these emotions affect the relationship dynamic, viewing conflict and the outcome of circumstances, not disharmony.
assist clients with processing archetypes and patterns that affect how they process psychic images.
through interviewing clients to help them make positive changes in behavior by increasing motivation.
help clients understand the various aspects of their personality and how it impacts their behaviors, moods and emotions.
in client's lives and identifying happiness through mental and emotional factors, increasing joy and liberation in each moment.
resources that a client has that can be built on to expand best qualities to improve behavior, mood and thoughts.
and is used to help clients look at the various parts that form the whole aspect of a system and how changes in different parts can affect the whole system.
assist clients with processing the emotional effects of trauma and ways it is affecting their life.